
Hey loved ones. Thanks for reading this. I’m Felicia from a place that no one knows of. My feelings are like subatomic particles or like Nano particles that can’t be expressed in a simple way. People think I am very confused and complex to understand so I tried writing down my feelings in this page so I could find a platform to express myself and find someone who could listen to what I feel. I don’t have much experiences regarding life but at this tender age I’ve suffered a lot. My problem is something that a teenager cannot understand of or could never imagine of. Despite of all my tensions and pain I still get time to be thankful of those things that I have. I don’t know what way is my life taking me. I don’t wish to have a blissful life but the only thing I wish to have is a smile on my face so that I could be bold, beautiful and brave against the whole world.

My Toxicity and I

It is no wonder that people possess toxic nature within themselves. The toxicity does not always come out on its own. When we share…

Letters from Normal People

Humans are wealthy to feel millions of emotions every day. Humans face a lot of things in their lives. Life can be as easy…

You and I

Your eyes carry the depth of an ocean, I can’t stop looking at time and again. But for me, the time encounters a comma…

Letters from Revolutionary Road

Dear April, We can never imagine the amount of grief you had to bear. Especially as a housewife, the stipulation to live life in…

Let’s get in touch

Tell me about yourself, your wishes, your dreams. You can share your thoughts regarding anything you want to.

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